This two-fer pattern is the perfect beginner quilt. Easy strip piecing techniques mix with step-by-step lessons for a sure thing - or 8 sure things, when you consider how many quilt sizes are included! Everything from mini to king size. We've done the yardage calculations for the setting and corner triangles, which can be cut with our Large Diagonal Set Triangle Ruler; instructions are also included for cutting triangles from squares, but using the ruler makes it easier. Color photos.
Linked Chevrons Section 1: Instructions for making nearly any size quilt you want using our Diagonal Set Triangle Rulers and My Favorite Rulers.
Linked Chevrons Section 2: More Linked Chevrons Layouts. What Size is a Quilt? How to calculate border yardage for any quilt. Modified Quilt-As-You-Sew technique. How to use fusible thread to add a binding.